WOW WOW WOW .. my eyes were open but honestly I could never have explained it so meticulously and precisely as this. Outstandingly accurate, I am simply in awe. My head has been aching in bewilderment just on how so many people have succumb to blindly follow in hoards to be jabbed with this poison and allow themselves to stand for hours to be tested for systems they don’t have or once before would realize it to be a cold or influenza., and the truth of people I once trusted or thought to be very wise, smart, intellectual, intelligent, principled, ethical and moral have disappointed, hurt and angered me. I have been astonished by so many people that I once believed to be just as I stated and have fallen prey and seduced by these evil perpetrators. I thank you for the clarity in which you have given me to understand why, and I must honestly say I was among the mass in the very beginning but I know through pray that my eyes were opened and with continued pray Our Lord has provided me with more truths. This is a very scary time we are living but I firmly believe that through Christ Our Lord, as He said in John 8:32 “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” .. I will make straight the path for you.
Yes, I do believe that one can receive divine counsel and direction to travel the straight and narrow path. It does take humility, perseverance, and a thirst for truth and a willingness to to see the errors that need to be overcome.
Agree. This was superb. Now we need a way out of this...what can we do? I know I am being an idiot, there wont be a savior either of person or idea. But is it okay to pray for Godś divine intervention? Because I dont see any way out of this, and they will accomplish it before November.
Yikes. The explanatory power of your analysis is staggering.
-people believed the false story & didn't/don't realize that they're being deceived
-a completely unprecedented *betrayal of trust* as sitting at the core of everything
-how this is a globally coordinated betrayal
-vaccines/vaccine passports as trojan horses... of the pharmaceutical industry... of those seeking to merge state & corporate power on a global scale
- the key role of marketing & the media
- linking the 'madness of crowds' phenomenon with the very-specific reality of the enormous amount of trust & support people have had/have for this kind of medical intervention
- whether these trojan horses are by design or by accident not mattering
-the simple fact of 'betrayal' as what matters
-the inevitable consequences of this betrayal of our trust in the key institutions which have created the taken-for-granted realities of our lives
-how a time of peace & prosperity has left most of us completely unprepared.
I entered these substacks wanting to put together the puzzle pieces of what's happening, so that i could figure out how to act. This analysis was the key piece I was needing. I will act by sharing your article with people, who, if they aren't already existentially/analytically here, might get here by this.
So much depends upon a red wheelbarrow. Thank you for this amazing piece.
This essay reminded me so much of my own thoughts. The tyrants have learned from the mistakes of the past and they are better prepared and global. Well done!!
Quite a long read, but well worth it. Early I promised a longer comment. Since I got here from one of Mathew Crawford's "roundingtheearth.substack" posts, here were my thoughts on Mathew's "My Early Treatment Testimonial, Part 2" post, which I think are relevant here as well:
It's quite difficult to accept that the entire medical establishment is corrupt and trying to kill you, an integral part of the most corrupt empire in recorded history. How could all those people we had always looked up to, who had dedicated their lives to helping people and saving lives, possibly be involved with something so evil? It wasn't hard to accept a pocket of incompetence uncovered by Erin Olszewski (; the capture of WHO and Anthony Fauci by Bill Gates and Big Pharma, exposed by the Eastern Virginia Medical School and FLCCC; and the capture of virtually all of corporate media by those same evil elites. After all, we had learned of the lies and government involvement in all the assassinations of the '60s, the Vietnam War, Iran-Contra, April Glaspie and Desert Storm, WMD and Iraq part 2, Libya and Syria. We could accept corruption at the pinnacle of authority, but surely our own trusted physicians, with whom we had a decades long, seemingly personal relationship, would do what's best for us. Yes, of course some would be ignorant, so I read up about zinc and zinc ionophores, Dr. Zelenko, vitamins C and D. My physician had endorsed a vitamin D supplement, and about that time I tested out at 43 mg/mL. I did a bit more investigation and learned Fauci was taking 6,000 IUs/day, so I did the same and am now > 60 ng/mL.
The first inkling I had that my faith in the medical profession in general was unwarranted was when I asked my Mayo Clinic internist at the end of 2020 whether he'd be willing to prescribe either HCQ or IVM should I become ill with Covid-19. After several days delay, no doubt consulting with the hierarchy, he dodged the question and told me treatment would be up to "the treatment team." That made me uncomfortable, but the Clinic had repaired a hernia, saved me from a PE, cancer and a heart attack. I investigated telemedicine and got prophylactic IVM through that route. When 6 mos. later, I heard Dr. Ardis describe how Remdesevir and ventilators had become "standard of care," I was skeptical. Then I heard Dr. Vliet describe how difficult it had been to force Mayo to continue IVM or discharge a patient, so I investigated Mayo's website on Covid-19 and discovered they were indeed using Remdesevir. About the same time I learned that, through a "carrot and stick" approach, CMS has forced virtually all hospitals and clinics to adopt Remdesevir and ventilation, just as Dr. Ardis had said. Finding it difficult to get more IVM through telemedicine, I ordered HCQ, IVM and doxy OTC from India and started an HCQ prophylactic at the start of flu season.
I continue my journey, no longer an advocate of Medicare for All, unable to support either Democrats, Trump or most Republicans because of foreign/military policy, and Empire (whether globalist or US-centric as Trump wants). The Western system is deeply corrupt, far more corrupt than any "banana republic" at which we point our collective fingers, be it Venezuela, Nicaragua or even El Salvador. I pray for US collapse and a restoration of the values of the Founders in some small group of states or localities.
That completes my post at roundingtheearth. Since mellob33 hints at how we need to change the system if we ever defeat this juggernaut, I'll add that I think we need to focus on the professed ideals of the Revolution embodied in the Bill of Right. I think that's something that can unite and galvanize the people once they see the crime and betrayal. If we ever have a chance to rebuild, we need to institute additional checks and balances that make it more difficult to violate those rights in the future, especially by corporate entities, which MUST be understood to be creatures of the State. It would help to remind people that the Revolution was as much a revolt against the East India Company (chartered by the Crown) as it was against the Crown itself.
You need to check out The Convention of States effort underway. It is our best hope of “fixing” things through use of Article 5 powers in the Constitution. EVERYONE needs to get involved and push for this through your state legislatures.
Be extremely careful putting your faith in a Constitutional change that could end up being far worse than the existing Constitution.
I too was thinking the COS group could be a Godsend but realized it could also be the devil itself. In my mind it's too dangerous a move knowing how corrupt everything is.
Updates: Looks like EVMS is no longer involved with FLCCC. Dr. Marik had a falling out with Sentara, and it looks like EVMS has a pretty tight relationship with Sentara. My internest at Mayo pressured me to get the poke. A couple weeks later, I saw Dr. Craig's video on the FDA decision to allow vax of 6 mos old, so I forwarded that to him. He said he'd look at it but I'm not holding my breath.
Your discussion of trust and betrayal fills in for me the missing piece in Desmet's Mass Formation.
The scale of the betrayal was so vast that it took me a year and a piece by Dr. Mike Yeadon before I had the courage to think the unthinkable. It is terrifying to come face-to-face with such massive betrayal, as it takes away the ground under one. Thank you for naming it.
I eagerly await your pulling back the curtains on who's running all of this.
Amazingly thorough and insightful analysis, Mello . . . thank you! In addition to the social conditions (isolation, lack of sense-making, free-floating anxiety, and lack of meaning) that Mattias Desmet has laid out as contributing to mass formation, the dynamics of trust and betrayal seem central to the challenge of undoing such mass formation. It's a conundrum every which way . . . how to persuade people who are on the edge to begin with that they're being (or have been) led over a cliff. This calls for extraordinary sensitivity on the part of anyone standing outside that mind-set . . . how not to push people into shame, defensiveness, or deeper panic by pulling back the curtain on what we see as happening. And how can those efforts be approached from a perspective of compassion rather than condescension? This seems like the challenge of the ages at every level, and I'm just grateful to and for everyone who's facing into that. Thank you for the work you're doing.
This is the truth right here! I’m finding it so hard to gently introduce these ideas to people in my life who are still firmly planted in the official narrative. I’m not having much success. The pushback to even the most obvious (to me) bits--if the vaccines work to protect you/don’t stop transmission then why do I need one to protect you? These are experimental shots with no long term safety profile--is fast and furious. I have given up with most people to protect my relationships.
Life for many doesn't seem much different, as they have not seen themselves as prey in the trap. They have adjusted to the masks and nonsense, and look forward to their weekends.
Here in Ardern Archipelago, many Maori are resisting as they never trusted the institutions, and this coercion reeks of colonialism. Some elders have been bribed with money to get injectees, and then to push the "to save grandma" guilt.
Many Christians are also awake, as they have put their trust in God, so are not bereft of belief when they see the treachery of the government.
Unfortunately the MSM is making it a class thing, and people comply to maintain their status, for fear of facing the void alone.
I have gone alone to protests and found strong groupings of Maori and Christians.
Eastern European NZers are also speaking up, and when I hear their accents I know what they are going to warn me about.
Unlike you Mello, I do want to know more about the "why". I assume that the cabal thinks that they have a great idea, and unlike average people who might have some world re-order ideas over the dinner table, these people have the money to carry them out, and thus enjoy the fun as their game plan plays out.
Fascinating and important identifications here. I lived in NZ for 6 years, until 6 months ago when I went back to the States. This is 100% correct. Many (not all) of the Maori and Christians lost trust in institutions long ago, so this didn't come as a huge psychological hit. The people who have been far more blindsided are the atheists who believe in "science." <---- I happen to be one of those. BUT the key difference with me is that I haven't trusted the government in over a decade, and I had a hard personal learning experience about corruption in the medical system (after already coming to believe the rest of the institutions were corrupt). Kiwis, Aussies, and Canadians have been particularly blindsided by this because they couldn't imagine that their governments would betray them and do them harm. You're exactly right that Eastern Europeans already learned this lesson the hard way and the lesson is more imprinted because it's more fresh in their memory. Americans are not quite that jaded, but a good portion also lost trust in the past 20-50 years, so they're not as naive. I can't tell you how many Kiwis looked slack-jawed at me when I told them I was going back to the US. It's not that the US is such a great place. It isn't. What makes it better at this particular juncture is that people in slightly greater percentage do not buy and are not going to put up with the BS "for our own good." It would perhaps be even better to be in various places in Eastern Europe or Africa.
To want to find out more about the why might give you an insight into how we can exploit any weakness to prevent their final vision for us. Please keep going
Globally, What's changing? Population - dependent on energy for civilisation. That's primary energy, not renewables. We've had 2x gulf wars over this already. Global crude is dominated by SA and the Gawar reservoir. If it's peaked then there's 50 years left. But that's how long at 9 Bn people and counting? Not 2 generations? Just one. How would such a end look? Nuclear war, starvation the abrupt end of civilization and the rich too! Note think about all the green policies and the demicide. Can you see it yet? It's there an alternative way other than controlled euthanisation and sterilisation? Even if not, I side with Malcolm X, Betrayal is worse than death.
And one more point....the world, including China..has decreasing populations...have had for more years than you would know. Japan, China, US, west, etc...all have declining popultions...and that comes with its own set of problems.
Me, I do not worry about population animals, we can self regulate like coyotes and have...go watch the De population bomb.
The hubris of these people thinking they know better than us, or than God, takes my breath away. Meanwhile, they are killing the child that might save us from the Peak Oil problem. And if the population continues to crash....we will revert to the stone age anyway. So either way...its not good. The only good thing I ever saw was the Constitution, which has been ignored and perverted. Jefferson was right about everything he said the dangers to come. And we the people did jack. Not in 1913, not in 1970..not now.
It's growing globally. China's fallen off of the population cliff edge. That means no one to support the elderly dead end. Hence the totalitarianism turned to 11. Although they might believe they act altruistically, they act out of their own fear. Here's to Kismet eh!
I am not quite on board with Peak Oil, but I am listening. Quite frankly, no matter what is done, if we have Peak Oil, and will kill the people who might come up with a different energy source (why is nuclear never talked about? It would buy us time and maybe a child will be born who understands the universe is driven by electro/magnetism and like Tesla, could reinvent how to draw it out of the sky....)
But anyway you look at it, we are "The Road"...Cormack McCarthy's vision. Because there is no way they can reduce the population to assuage their concern about Peak Oil...and controlling the population, without the cannabilistic hordes roaming...I just hope they eat the rich.
Nuclear fusion is always 20 years away. Conventional nuclear power could have created an alternative world with ammonia etc as fuel vector. Please don't reflexively dismiss the 'peak oil' cliche. See the bigger picture and the use of the petrodollar as a geopolitical tool. There are only 2* throne changing, the global population / demand and the accessible energy pool. That is too say OPEC and specifically Gawar. I often see people scoff at peak oil without making any specific refutation ( no offense!) Can you think of any other unifying reason for this. Faced with such an inevitable realisation what works your do as an all powerful? By the way the point about the Muppets having crossed the Rubicon is spot on. They're shit or bust, no turning back now.
I do not dismiss Peak Oil at all....but I think it is the COST of getting it out of the ground and the way we do it....Every other damn country has nationalized it oil business...and I am sorry, I think Venezuela was right to do so. It should be kept for us, not sold by the international oil companies so they can make a profit.
I cannot beleive I am saying this as I am conservative as hell. But these international companies owe no allegiance to us or anyone else...and I do think we could unationalize a bunch of stuff here in this country..and nationalize oil. And maybe LNg which is currently being sold for top dollar to Ukraine and Europe.
I think this country needs to get out of UN, NATO, etc. etc. etc....I am waiting for a smart person to put it much better than I can...and the FIRST BUSINESS WE SHOULD DENATIONALIZE is the banking system. Let indpendent state and local banks build a business on how good their own issued currency can be and hold its value, and GET RID OF THE FED RESERVE. Congress outsourced it responsibiity ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, and it is damn TIME we the PEOPLE took it back.
The limiting factor is energy return on energy invested, EROEI. The cost of extracting exceeds the return. It's being compounded by the lack of financing for O&G Investments. The US and European oilcos aren't to blame. It's the governments who've been ordered to shut them down windfall tax! I'm from Europe and really wanted to believe that a red wave could save the world, but I'm afraid that it's all just Plato's cave. For those in power it's now or never to act to subjugate humanity and save themselves.
I keep on waking up and hoping it isn't as bad as I suspect, but this is all nails and coffins now. For a while I've been wondering if we were all in one giant "go" game. Given the illusion of choice. Of being a white or black piece. Vax or Unvax. Citizen, dissenter. The eternal pitting against each other. The problem lies in agreeing to be on the board, while we're all being played for power and profit.
That was brilliant. I wishI had written it. I am delighted to discover you. I am in the same ballpark and writing psychological analyses of what is going on. I hold NPR responsible for captivating my progressive intellectual academic friends who have learned to trust them as a reliable source for decades, also Democracy now and the Nation etc. I think they are Stanley MIlgram's professors in the lab coats who people have no reason to distrust. I have been thinking about work fo psychoanalyst Chris Bollas on the Structure of Evil on a study of serial murderers who are engaged through their visits in a traumatic reenacting of their own should murder as children. The abuser gains trust and makes promises to enrtrap them. The victim is an "airhead" naive and trusting. I also find especially valuable the concept of mystification described here.
The Vaccine Passport and the Dynamics of Domination
"The more trust you put in someone, the greater the pain and harder it will be to accept when something goes terribly wrong. And when deep trust is involved, and betrayal occurs, one of the many consequences of that is a complete denial of what just happened."
This seems to be a stumbling block for so many who see the truth and cannot grasp the level of emotional pain and grief required to reconcile the betrayal that misplaced trust inflicts once it's acknowledged. The whole post is a wonderful examination of a complex situation, thank you. :~)
Bravo. Your mind is a disciplined wonder to behold. You have said what has been needing to be said, in the manner it expressly needed to be said. You give me hope that we may yet get through to the others currently so entranced. For what is needed most is their acknowledgement that they too are a part, a most significant part indeed of this same history, the living it part. The actionable part.
What gets me is that prior to CV19, people in Australia did not believe the government, the lying politicians nor the media, esp. the govt. paid-for radio station/TV; now they devour it all 24/7 as if it is all truth, trusted truth, like the trusted ID legislation passed or ready to be passed.
The fear of death is a powerful force in many, indeed.
My thoughts haven’t changed one bit. I’m an American and I saw straight through this con at the start. Having a traumatic childhood makes me acutely aware of the presence of evil and it’s many faces. The quick assurance of a 100% effective solution was a dead giveaway for me. Although admittedly I never trusted any Government before, either. Then all my Doctors, except one, tried to talk me into the mystery shot. I told them No repeatedly. They were frustrated and perplexed, seeing they took it themselves. One Doctor even told me getting the so-called “vaccine”would be my “winning lottery ticket.”
Perhaps now they’re reconsidering my words of warning. Having almost died from a DVT at 21, I told them this magic potion they trusted and agreed to would be killing people from Blood Clots, etc. It wasn’t hard to predict this in early 2020 for me, but no one seriously considered anything I said or any article I forwarded to them. Several months later, I’ve known several jabbed folks who’ve died suddenly and some who’re now alive but seriously injured.
What lies ahead apparently is inevitable given the steadfast unwillingness of so many who even at this late date still refuse to seek the truth.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Very good. Early trama and medical misdiagnosis and lies were also a blessing in disguise for me. And I wonder how many will need to die or be seriously injured before people rise up. I think back to the Vietnam war which didn't end until enough people had their sons come home in a coffin. I pray we get police and military to wake up and join the non-compliant.
Excellent analysis, Mello. It explains in part why good people do bad things. And that collectively, we've put our trust in an abusive parent relationship with the corrupt corporate-owned state. And as you say, when people wake up to the betrayal they will be pissed. Absolutely so. The elite need to be held accountable, which is something they are very good at not doing. Slippery snakes, the lot of them! It's up to us now. We are the ones that will save us, no one else, no cavalry, no great leader.
A wonderful analysis I will need to read a few times. I've read a lot of agenda 21 documents, as well, as agendas on and they certainly back up what is written here.
WOW WOW WOW .. my eyes were open but honestly I could never have explained it so meticulously and precisely as this. Outstandingly accurate, I am simply in awe. My head has been aching in bewilderment just on how so many people have succumb to blindly follow in hoards to be jabbed with this poison and allow themselves to stand for hours to be tested for systems they don’t have or once before would realize it to be a cold or influenza., and the truth of people I once trusted or thought to be very wise, smart, intellectual, intelligent, principled, ethical and moral have disappointed, hurt and angered me. I have been astonished by so many people that I once believed to be just as I stated and have fallen prey and seduced by these evil perpetrators. I thank you for the clarity in which you have given me to understand why, and I must honestly say I was among the mass in the very beginning but I know through pray that my eyes were opened and with continued pray Our Lord has provided me with more truths. This is a very scary time we are living but I firmly believe that through Christ Our Lord, as He said in John 8:32 “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” .. I will make straight the path for you.
Well put; my sentiments exactly! Especially the WOW WOW WOW! This needs to be shared with everyone!
Yes, I do believe that one can receive divine counsel and direction to travel the straight and narrow path. It does take humility, perseverance, and a thirst for truth and a willingness to to see the errors that need to be overcome.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
Yes, this is one of my favorites!!
Without God, who could bear to face this world?
Not me.
Agree. This was superb. Now we need a way out of this...what can we do? I know I am being an idiot, there wont be a savior either of person or idea. But is it okay to pray for Godś divine intervention? Because I dont see any way out of this, and they will accomplish it before November.
Yikes. The explanatory power of your analysis is staggering.
-people believed the false story & didn't/don't realize that they're being deceived
-a completely unprecedented *betrayal of trust* as sitting at the core of everything
-how this is a globally coordinated betrayal
-vaccines/vaccine passports as trojan horses... of the pharmaceutical industry... of those seeking to merge state & corporate power on a global scale
- the key role of marketing & the media
- linking the 'madness of crowds' phenomenon with the very-specific reality of the enormous amount of trust & support people have had/have for this kind of medical intervention
- whether these trojan horses are by design or by accident not mattering
-the simple fact of 'betrayal' as what matters
-the inevitable consequences of this betrayal of our trust in the key institutions which have created the taken-for-granted realities of our lives
-how a time of peace & prosperity has left most of us completely unprepared.
I entered these substacks wanting to put together the puzzle pieces of what's happening, so that i could figure out how to act. This analysis was the key piece I was needing. I will act by sharing your article with people, who, if they aren't already existentially/analytically here, might get here by this.
So much depends upon a red wheelbarrow. Thank you for this amazing piece.
This essay reminded me so much of my own thoughts. The tyrants have learned from the mistakes of the past and they are better prepared and global. Well done!!
Quite a long read, but well worth it. Early I promised a longer comment. Since I got here from one of Mathew Crawford's "roundingtheearth.substack" posts, here were my thoughts on Mathew's "My Early Treatment Testimonial, Part 2" post, which I think are relevant here as well:
It's quite difficult to accept that the entire medical establishment is corrupt and trying to kill you, an integral part of the most corrupt empire in recorded history. How could all those people we had always looked up to, who had dedicated their lives to helping people and saving lives, possibly be involved with something so evil? It wasn't hard to accept a pocket of incompetence uncovered by Erin Olszewski (; the capture of WHO and Anthony Fauci by Bill Gates and Big Pharma, exposed by the Eastern Virginia Medical School and FLCCC; and the capture of virtually all of corporate media by those same evil elites. After all, we had learned of the lies and government involvement in all the assassinations of the '60s, the Vietnam War, Iran-Contra, April Glaspie and Desert Storm, WMD and Iraq part 2, Libya and Syria. We could accept corruption at the pinnacle of authority, but surely our own trusted physicians, with whom we had a decades long, seemingly personal relationship, would do what's best for us. Yes, of course some would be ignorant, so I read up about zinc and zinc ionophores, Dr. Zelenko, vitamins C and D. My physician had endorsed a vitamin D supplement, and about that time I tested out at 43 mg/mL. I did a bit more investigation and learned Fauci was taking 6,000 IUs/day, so I did the same and am now > 60 ng/mL.
The first inkling I had that my faith in the medical profession in general was unwarranted was when I asked my Mayo Clinic internist at the end of 2020 whether he'd be willing to prescribe either HCQ or IVM should I become ill with Covid-19. After several days delay, no doubt consulting with the hierarchy, he dodged the question and told me treatment would be up to "the treatment team." That made me uncomfortable, but the Clinic had repaired a hernia, saved me from a PE, cancer and a heart attack. I investigated telemedicine and got prophylactic IVM through that route. When 6 mos. later, I heard Dr. Ardis describe how Remdesevir and ventilators had become "standard of care," I was skeptical. Then I heard Dr. Vliet describe how difficult it had been to force Mayo to continue IVM or discharge a patient, so I investigated Mayo's website on Covid-19 and discovered they were indeed using Remdesevir. About the same time I learned that, through a "carrot and stick" approach, CMS has forced virtually all hospitals and clinics to adopt Remdesevir and ventilation, just as Dr. Ardis had said. Finding it difficult to get more IVM through telemedicine, I ordered HCQ, IVM and doxy OTC from India and started an HCQ prophylactic at the start of flu season.
I continue my journey, no longer an advocate of Medicare for All, unable to support either Democrats, Trump or most Republicans because of foreign/military policy, and Empire (whether globalist or US-centric as Trump wants). The Western system is deeply corrupt, far more corrupt than any "banana republic" at which we point our collective fingers, be it Venezuela, Nicaragua or even El Salvador. I pray for US collapse and a restoration of the values of the Founders in some small group of states or localities.
That completes my post at roundingtheearth. Since mellob33 hints at how we need to change the system if we ever defeat this juggernaut, I'll add that I think we need to focus on the professed ideals of the Revolution embodied in the Bill of Right. I think that's something that can unite and galvanize the people once they see the crime and betrayal. If we ever have a chance to rebuild, we need to institute additional checks and balances that make it more difficult to violate those rights in the future, especially by corporate entities, which MUST be understood to be creatures of the State. It would help to remind people that the Revolution was as much a revolt against the East India Company (chartered by the Crown) as it was against the Crown itself.
You need to check out The Convention of States effort underway. It is our best hope of “fixing” things through use of Article 5 powers in the Constitution. EVERYONE needs to get involved and push for this through your state legislatures.
Be extremely careful putting your faith in a Constitutional change that could end up being far worse than the existing Constitution.
I too was thinking the COS group could be a Godsend but realized it could also be the devil itself. In my mind it's too dangerous a move knowing how corrupt everything is.
Updates: Looks like EVMS is no longer involved with FLCCC. Dr. Marik had a falling out with Sentara, and it looks like EVMS has a pretty tight relationship with Sentara. My internest at Mayo pressured me to get the poke. A couple weeks later, I saw Dr. Craig's video on the FDA decision to allow vax of 6 mos old, so I forwarded that to him. He said he'd look at it but I'm not holding my breath.
Good Post. Long, but good!
agree we need to put together a plan for after the house of cards FALL. I will be thinking on that, building me list. You too!
Your discussion of trust and betrayal fills in for me the missing piece in Desmet's Mass Formation.
The scale of the betrayal was so vast that it took me a year and a piece by Dr. Mike Yeadon before I had the courage to think the unthinkable. It is terrifying to come face-to-face with such massive betrayal, as it takes away the ground under one. Thank you for naming it.
I eagerly await your pulling back the curtains on who's running all of this.
The US DoD is in control here in the states. Military in other countries as well.
Amazingly thorough and insightful analysis, Mello . . . thank you! In addition to the social conditions (isolation, lack of sense-making, free-floating anxiety, and lack of meaning) that Mattias Desmet has laid out as contributing to mass formation, the dynamics of trust and betrayal seem central to the challenge of undoing such mass formation. It's a conundrum every which way . . . how to persuade people who are on the edge to begin with that they're being (or have been) led over a cliff. This calls for extraordinary sensitivity on the part of anyone standing outside that mind-set . . . how not to push people into shame, defensiveness, or deeper panic by pulling back the curtain on what we see as happening. And how can those efforts be approached from a perspective of compassion rather than condescension? This seems like the challenge of the ages at every level, and I'm just grateful to and for everyone who's facing into that. Thank you for the work you're doing.
Beautiful comment. I appreciate your words and sentiment.
This is the truth right here! I’m finding it so hard to gently introduce these ideas to people in my life who are still firmly planted in the official narrative. I’m not having much success. The pushback to even the most obvious (to me) bits--if the vaccines work to protect you/don’t stop transmission then why do I need one to protect you? These are experimental shots with no long term safety profile--is fast and furious. I have given up with most people to protect my relationships.
Great work Mello.
Life for many doesn't seem much different, as they have not seen themselves as prey in the trap. They have adjusted to the masks and nonsense, and look forward to their weekends.
Here in Ardern Archipelago, many Maori are resisting as they never trusted the institutions, and this coercion reeks of colonialism. Some elders have been bribed with money to get injectees, and then to push the "to save grandma" guilt.
Many Christians are also awake, as they have put their trust in God, so are not bereft of belief when they see the treachery of the government.
Unfortunately the MSM is making it a class thing, and people comply to maintain their status, for fear of facing the void alone.
I have gone alone to protests and found strong groupings of Maori and Christians.
Eastern European NZers are also speaking up, and when I hear their accents I know what they are going to warn me about.
Unlike you Mello, I do want to know more about the "why". I assume that the cabal thinks that they have a great idea, and unlike average people who might have some world re-order ideas over the dinner table, these people have the money to carry them out, and thus enjoy the fun as their game plan plays out.
Fascinating and important identifications here. I lived in NZ for 6 years, until 6 months ago when I went back to the States. This is 100% correct. Many (not all) of the Maori and Christians lost trust in institutions long ago, so this didn't come as a huge psychological hit. The people who have been far more blindsided are the atheists who believe in "science." <---- I happen to be one of those. BUT the key difference with me is that I haven't trusted the government in over a decade, and I had a hard personal learning experience about corruption in the medical system (after already coming to believe the rest of the institutions were corrupt). Kiwis, Aussies, and Canadians have been particularly blindsided by this because they couldn't imagine that their governments would betray them and do them harm. You're exactly right that Eastern Europeans already learned this lesson the hard way and the lesson is more imprinted because it's more fresh in their memory. Americans are not quite that jaded, but a good portion also lost trust in the past 20-50 years, so they're not as naive. I can't tell you how many Kiwis looked slack-jawed at me when I told them I was going back to the US. It's not that the US is such a great place. It isn't. What makes it better at this particular juncture is that people in slightly greater percentage do not buy and are not going to put up with the BS "for our own good." It would perhaps be even better to be in various places in Eastern Europe or Africa.
To want to find out more about the why might give you an insight into how we can exploit any weakness to prevent their final vision for us. Please keep going
Globally, What's changing? Population - dependent on energy for civilisation. That's primary energy, not renewables. We've had 2x gulf wars over this already. Global crude is dominated by SA and the Gawar reservoir. If it's peaked then there's 50 years left. But that's how long at 9 Bn people and counting? Not 2 generations? Just one. How would such a end look? Nuclear war, starvation the abrupt end of civilization and the rich too! Note think about all the green policies and the demicide. Can you see it yet? It's there an alternative way other than controlled euthanisation and sterilisation? Even if not, I side with Malcolm X, Betrayal is worse than death.
And one more point....the world, including China..has decreasing populations...have had for more years than you would know. Japan, China, US, west, etc...all have declining popultions...and that comes with its own set of problems.
Me, I do not worry about population animals, we can self regulate like coyotes and have...go watch the De population bomb.
The hubris of these people thinking they know better than us, or than God, takes my breath away. Meanwhile, they are killing the child that might save us from the Peak Oil problem. And if the population continues to crash....we will revert to the stone age anyway. So either way...its not good. The only good thing I ever saw was the Constitution, which has been ignored and perverted. Jefferson was right about everything he said the dangers to come. And we the people did jack. Not in 1913, not in 1970..not now.
It's growing globally. China's fallen off of the population cliff edge. That means no one to support the elderly dead end. Hence the totalitarianism turned to 11. Although they might believe they act altruistically, they act out of their own fear. Here's to Kismet eh!
I am not quite on board with Peak Oil, but I am listening. Quite frankly, no matter what is done, if we have Peak Oil, and will kill the people who might come up with a different energy source (why is nuclear never talked about? It would buy us time and maybe a child will be born who understands the universe is driven by electro/magnetism and like Tesla, could reinvent how to draw it out of the sky....)
But anyway you look at it, we are "The Road"...Cormack McCarthy's vision. Because there is no way they can reduce the population to assuage their concern about Peak Oil...and controlling the population, without the cannabilistic hordes roaming...I just hope they eat the rich.
Nuclear fusion is always 20 years away. Conventional nuclear power could have created an alternative world with ammonia etc as fuel vector. Please don't reflexively dismiss the 'peak oil' cliche. See the bigger picture and the use of the petrodollar as a geopolitical tool. There are only 2* throne changing, the global population / demand and the accessible energy pool. That is too say OPEC and specifically Gawar. I often see people scoff at peak oil without making any specific refutation ( no offense!) Can you think of any other unifying reason for this. Faced with such an inevitable realisation what works your do as an all powerful? By the way the point about the Muppets having crossed the Rubicon is spot on. They're shit or bust, no turning back now.
I do not dismiss Peak Oil at all....but I think it is the COST of getting it out of the ground and the way we do it....Every other damn country has nationalized it oil business...and I am sorry, I think Venezuela was right to do so. It should be kept for us, not sold by the international oil companies so they can make a profit.
I cannot beleive I am saying this as I am conservative as hell. But these international companies owe no allegiance to us or anyone else...and I do think we could unationalize a bunch of stuff here in this country..and nationalize oil. And maybe LNg which is currently being sold for top dollar to Ukraine and Europe.
I think this country needs to get out of UN, NATO, etc. etc. etc....I am waiting for a smart person to put it much better than I can...and the FIRST BUSINESS WE SHOULD DENATIONALIZE is the banking system. Let indpendent state and local banks build a business on how good their own issued currency can be and hold its value, and GET RID OF THE FED RESERVE. Congress outsourced it responsibiity ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, and it is damn TIME we the PEOPLE took it back.
The limiting factor is energy return on energy invested, EROEI. The cost of extracting exceeds the return. It's being compounded by the lack of financing for O&G Investments. The US and European oilcos aren't to blame. It's the governments who've been ordered to shut them down windfall tax! I'm from Europe and really wanted to believe that a red wave could save the world, but I'm afraid that it's all just Plato's cave. For those in power it's now or never to act to subjugate humanity and save themselves.
I keep on waking up and hoping it isn't as bad as I suspect, but this is all nails and coffins now. For a while I've been wondering if we were all in one giant "go" game. Given the illusion of choice. Of being a white or black piece. Vax or Unvax. Citizen, dissenter. The eternal pitting against each other. The problem lies in agreeing to be on the board, while we're all being played for power and profit.
That was brilliant. I wishI had written it. I am delighted to discover you. I am in the same ballpark and writing psychological analyses of what is going on. I hold NPR responsible for captivating my progressive intellectual academic friends who have learned to trust them as a reliable source for decades, also Democracy now and the Nation etc. I think they are Stanley MIlgram's professors in the lab coats who people have no reason to distrust. I have been thinking about work fo psychoanalyst Chris Bollas on the Structure of Evil on a study of serial murderers who are engaged through their visits in a traumatic reenacting of their own should murder as children. The abuser gains trust and makes promises to enrtrap them. The victim is an "airhead" naive and trusting. I also find especially valuable the concept of mystification described here.
The Vaccine Passport and the Dynamics of Domination
"The more trust you put in someone, the greater the pain and harder it will be to accept when something goes terribly wrong. And when deep trust is involved, and betrayal occurs, one of the many consequences of that is a complete denial of what just happened."
This seems to be a stumbling block for so many who see the truth and cannot grasp the level of emotional pain and grief required to reconcile the betrayal that misplaced trust inflicts once it's acknowledged. The whole post is a wonderful examination of a complex situation, thank you. :~)
Bravo. Your mind is a disciplined wonder to behold. You have said what has been needing to be said, in the manner it expressly needed to be said. You give me hope that we may yet get through to the others currently so entranced. For what is needed most is their acknowledgement that they too are a part, a most significant part indeed of this same history, the living it part. The actionable part.
My most sincere thanks to you.
What gets me is that prior to CV19, people in Australia did not believe the government, the lying politicians nor the media, esp. the govt. paid-for radio station/TV; now they devour it all 24/7 as if it is all truth, trusted truth, like the trusted ID legislation passed or ready to be passed.
The fear of death is a powerful force in many, indeed.
My thoughts haven’t changed one bit. I’m an American and I saw straight through this con at the start. Having a traumatic childhood makes me acutely aware of the presence of evil and it’s many faces. The quick assurance of a 100% effective solution was a dead giveaway for me. Although admittedly I never trusted any Government before, either. Then all my Doctors, except one, tried to talk me into the mystery shot. I told them No repeatedly. They were frustrated and perplexed, seeing they took it themselves. One Doctor even told me getting the so-called “vaccine”would be my “winning lottery ticket.”
Perhaps now they’re reconsidering my words of warning. Having almost died from a DVT at 21, I told them this magic potion they trusted and agreed to would be killing people from Blood Clots, etc. It wasn’t hard to predict this in early 2020 for me, but no one seriously considered anything I said or any article I forwarded to them. Several months later, I’ve known several jabbed folks who’ve died suddenly and some who’re now alive but seriously injured.
What lies ahead apparently is inevitable given the steadfast unwillingness of so many who even at this late date still refuse to seek the truth.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
(John 8:32)
Very good. Early trama and medical misdiagnosis and lies were also a blessing in disguise for me. And I wonder how many will need to die or be seriously injured before people rise up. I think back to the Vietnam war which didn't end until enough people had their sons come home in a coffin. I pray we get police and military to wake up and join the non-compliant.
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Brilliant!
Excellent piece!!
Excellent analysis, Mello. It explains in part why good people do bad things. And that collectively, we've put our trust in an abusive parent relationship with the corrupt corporate-owned state. And as you say, when people wake up to the betrayal they will be pissed. Absolutely so. The elite need to be held accountable, which is something they are very good at not doing. Slippery snakes, the lot of them! It's up to us now. We are the ones that will save us, no one else, no cavalry, no great leader.
Thank you so much! I am going to share this with many people.
A wonderful analysis I will need to read a few times. I've read a lot of agenda 21 documents, as well, as agendas on and they certainly back up what is written here.
Even the rulers don't want to admit what they are doing:
I wonder why?