Feb 16, 2022·edited Feb 16, 2022Liked by Mello.B33

Are you willing to do as you are told?

The answer to that question by a majority of the population, places us in the situation we are in. And it is all fine and dandy, until we are asked to do something that conflicts with our principles.

Are you willing to take an investigative vaccine?

Are you willing to inject this vaccine into your children?

Indeed, a majority of the population are willing to do this. A jab to the arm? No problem. Having to show a passport to access services? No big deal.

I've read their comments. A majority of the population in Canada and elsewhere have no issue with these requirements. This is in the absence of coercive measures. What you or I are willing to die for, they accept as a matter of course. They do not perceive these measures as an unacceptable infringement on their freedom.

Freedom is a concept. It is malleable. When I don't accept the majority's conception of freedom, that is my problem. My options are to submit or become a martyr. In situations where tyranny (our definition of tyranny) is overthrown, the answer to the original question, by those who did nothing, will remain the same:

Are you willing to do as you are told?


And the cycle continues.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Mello.B33

I suspect answers to your questions will vary among young and old, the childless and those with children. I know exactly the sort of society I think can succeed after a revolt and an economic explosion, and I'd be glad to be a part of it, but worried about how much labor those of us of a certain age would be able to contribute. I also worry about the death and destruction that would be necessary to get us there, because those with power will try to violently retain it.

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i've already changed a lot in my life

i can own nothing and be happy as long as im free

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I think a lot of people have already chosen, whether consciously or no.

Between apathy, ignorance & learned helplessness they're largely doing this to themselves. Because so many sacrificed so little, of their attention even.

At times we give the global psyop too much credit; a child could see through what has happened the last two years. Indeed many have.

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Well put. Glad to see you defining what is truly happening and getting people prepped for what is at hand. Proactivity of the finest sort.

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Great quotes, thanks!

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Mello.B33

I’ve got to admit: this piece didn’t work for me. The scenarios were too far removed from my actual life to engage me viscerally. How about laying out options for the Canadian Truckers and their allies? They are facing real world consequences right now for pushing back against tyranny. That’s extremely real for me. I know you can do it—Betrayal was a masterpiece.

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Feb 17, 2022·edited Feb 17, 2022Liked by Mello.B33

I am sure you have seen this quote, but there are always people who haven't.

This is for archive/historical purposes; it is one of the comments underneath a ZeroHedge article from June 29th, 2020 entitled “Boiling Point”.

”The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.”

I feel like a lot of vets and similar would resonate with this, but even my puny self does.

Cunningness still must count for something apart from linguistics.

Be as cunning as a fox who has just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University, as Edmond would say.

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Can we really contain chaos?

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I have been thinking through these questions myself, this piece helps codify them. I'm starting from first principles, and attempting to reason forward from there. I know that fighting Caesar with Caesar's weapons means certain defeat, so another way must be found. That way lies in my answer to these questions.

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Here's the thing. I'm not going to sacrifice shit if the people who are running the revolution are greedy (or excuse greed in markets) as a normal thing and are ok with people being poor wage slaves.

Why? Because the next time I might end up a slave after the revolution.

Remember, the founding fathers fought for the rights of land owners... Not the people. That's why we had slavery and later apartheid, all "constitutional".

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Nice piece. Found you through your comment on Gato's piece on forever war today.

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It worked!

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Excellent essay! Ty..what happened? I thought, you would go on.

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I've already made many of the sacrifices you asked in this post. In the end, I'm happier and healthier now because of those sacrifices but the journey and process of arriving at my current state has been that of much physical, emotional and spiritual pain. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger if we are truly strong from the onset.

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