Are you willing to do as you are told?

The answer to that question by a majority of the population, places us in the situation we are in. And it is all fine and dandy, until we are asked to do something that conflicts with our principles.

Are you willing to take an investigative vaccine?

Are you willing to inject this vaccine into your children?

Indeed, a majority of the population are willing to do this. A jab to the arm? No problem. Having to show a passport to access services? No big deal.

I've read their comments. A majority of the population in Canada and elsewhere have no issue with these requirements. This is in the absence of coercive measures. What you or I are willing to die for, they accept as a matter of course. They do not perceive these measures as an unacceptable infringement on their freedom.

Freedom is a concept. It is malleable. When I don't accept the majority's conception of freedom, that is my problem. My options are to submit or become a martyr. In situations where tyranny (our definition of tyranny) is overthrown, the answer to the original question, by those who did nothing, will remain the same:

Are you willing to do as you are told?


And the cycle continues.

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I suspect answers to your questions will vary among young and old, the childless and those with children. I know exactly the sort of society I think can succeed after a revolt and an economic explosion, and I'd be glad to be a part of it, but worried about how much labor those of us of a certain age would be able to contribute. I also worry about the death and destruction that would be necessary to get us there, because those with power will try to violently retain it.

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yeah, you didn't really articulate it, but what you are recognising there is that many who would give everything to this fight are from the eras when we knew we had freedom, ie. old now. Certainly older than that "short period of time when we are potentially part of the struggle" is thinking.

On the other hand, we also ain't got as much to lose. Who wants to live forever?

But how many of us are also dealing with dependents which means we are making the decision for several lives at once?

I think the old, 'better to die on your feet than live on your knees', will still find a few adherents.

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I've heard that quip turned slightly around: "better to live on your feet, than die on your knees". --

Those of us who got something from this post and comments here know the score. Where we're being taken is a place of 'death'. Those who can resist it will be the ones who live, but not all of them. The hard reality is that, in the short-run and for the vanguard ranks, this looks like the "better to die on your feet, than live on your knees" version. But in the long run, the altered version I've repeated, "better to live on your feet, than die on your knees", prevails. Those who survive will go on to remember the dead, bestowing honor on the memory of those who first "died on their feet" at the beginning, and simply mourning the others who "died on their knees" just before the end.

Think about /that/, and re-run what you know of history to see how the framing comes to life. I'll get you started: Berlin wall.

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A much needed perspective, Andrew. Well said. Thank you.

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We understand many or even most of us will not survive these events. But we do this for the sake of whatever children, grandchildren will go forward. Hell of a genetic bottle neck to deal with. They will need all the wisdom they can collect.

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Fist bump, bro.

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And other ascendant international power structures/nations or certain opportunistic power-grabbing cabals of the wealthy might (likely are) waiting to jump into the provided vacuum. Certain of them with a built-up righteous vengeance for the West's far too many centuries of transgressions against their own now multiple generations of millions of deceased innocents. Our Owners have truly fckt-up contemporary societies and civilization on their murderous plundering path to this point. I find it awful to contemplate. That said after doing so since the Vietnam massacre defined my awareness.

I wish I could offer some true and practical hope but find we are in the long run (so far) a stunted and perverted species. As in psychopaths always having the edge, born with their foot in the door, their nose already under and inside the tent. While we the majority can't even come to terms with acknowledging their omnipresence in all things nasty about homo sapiens.

Can we? Will we? A lot of things, perhaps everything, hangs on that. Check out Joe Biden's State Department leading functionaries. The cult of the CIA cannot be ignored either.

We're up to our necks in Shit Creek. Did anyone bring a paddle?

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Fully agree. I can envision independent city states being successful in a post-revolution society, but you and I will be long dead before such places walk out of the ashes of the fire we are about to walk into.

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i've already changed a lot in my life

i can own nothing and be happy as long as im free

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You know, I'm very happy to have read you frame the WEF's slogan that way. It's their challenge, they're daring you to become free again, because they're aiming to take what you own. Mello.B33's wisdom here is that, if you're free and you own nothing, it won't stay that way for long. The challenge of his post is that if reclaiming your freedom from the likes of some WEF-like ideology that seeks to take it from you, also costs you what you own, then if you were successful they'll be banished, and you'll be owning what's yours again very soon.

Fearful people cling to their GloboCorp jobs, forgetting that anyone who's worked for any Corp for long enough knows that while the Corp demands loyalty and service from you, it gives none in return. The directors vote the plan, the C-suites execute it, and you're out. But like gov't, the Corp needs the actions of its employees to implement their minor role in 'the Grand Design'. Fear of being cast out, leads the employee to (perhaps apologetically) comply and play the part ordained for them.

The Corp is a structure. It's gov't in microcosm. If it had no employees, it could do nothing at all. It's not a /real/ person, it's a legal fiction, operating as-if it had personhood.

So CBS news is saying[*] that Trudeau's invoking of Emergency Powers gave him power to compel the truck tow companies to serve their bidding to remove the trucks of the Freedom Convoy. And they appear, drivers in masks, logos blocked out, hauling away. But, how is it that they were compelled, exactly, when before they unanimously told Ottawa Police to pound sand? They were made to fear consequences not yet visited upon them, the specter of them worked their minds, and this did the compelling. Too bad, but understandable. It's the action of the commenter well above: "Are you willing to do what you're told? -- yes. -- and the cycle continues". We can say the same for the police and other agents marshaled to evict the protest, they too are fearful, and willing to do what they're told.

This was not true, finally, of the Red Army tank crews during the October Putsch (by hardliners looking to oust Gorbachev), in the days just before Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union and took down their flag off the Kremlin. The mass of protestors there extolled them not to shoot, but to come down from their tanks and enjoy a meal with them, and be peaceful among them as fellow countrymen. They obliged. Just like that, the hardliners were powerless, the Soviets thrown back, and Russia freed, from their tyranny, at least. (-- this story relayed to me in the writings of Svetlana Alexievich's "Secondhand Time", and well recommended to you)

[*] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/canada-freedom-convoy-protest-arrests-trucks-towed-ottawa-police/

You will be free when you do not (blindly) obey. To withdraw your consent, means to stop obeying their orders, for they are now unlawful (at least to the judgement of your own conscience, the highest earthly Court a person fully human can appeal to). The paper of our Declaration of Independence enshrines this last right, but paper cannot enforce words written on it. Paper cannot act of itself, but only through the actions of those who take the words there to heart. It seems to me there is no need for violence, but simply to stop obeying. Power dissolves in the end. You may be deprived of your living, the tangible things you own, but you will be able to say what the commenter I'm replying to said, "I can own nothing and be happy as long as I'm free". And in the long-run, it won't even be as stark as that, for there'll be nothing to own, if punitive takings collapse the economy, with all the newly freed workers sitting around idle, at least with respect to the former tyrannical structure. The newly freed will build new structures, new communities, to rebuild what they lost. A new club, and this time, /they/ won't be in it, to paraphrase Geoge Carlin. The first thing is, it's a mindset. Spread the mindset.

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i wondered what they said to the tow truckers, i know i wouldn't comply but there's always others that will. its also a pity that the relatively decent cops resign instead of holding their ground and refusing bad orders, leaving the positions open to worse order followers

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Yes. The resignations-in-protest are happening everywhere, esp. among police agencies. I agree that it would be far more noble, and possibly effective (at least and in the beginning, in the court of public opinion) for them to stand and resist in place, and be dragged out. A glorious few sheriffs of US counties were like this in 2020-2021, saying on the record that they would not enforce this-or-that edict, a challenge which the edict-makers (to my knowledge) never called them on. But instead moved on, to those other places where officeholders would comply. It's a tantalizing demonstration.

For the Canadian Truckers, it's a crime how the whole Parliament has behaved. Those members who say words in support of the convoy, and against members who support Trudeau, have themselves done NOTHING of substance. They are false friends till they prove themselves otherwise. Loyal opposition, and we see to whom their loyalty is truly running.

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Selfishly replying to myself, I see JBP has given us a fresh conversation about recent events with the quintessential and well-known Canadian, Rex Murphy:


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I think a lot of people have already chosen, whether consciously or no.

Between apathy, ignorance & learned helplessness they're largely doing this to themselves. Because so many sacrificed so little, of their attention even.

At times we give the global psyop too much credit; a child could see through what has happened the last two years. Indeed many have.

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Personally, I think most if not all dissidents still choose to play it passively or undertake the path of least resistance. Our enemies know this very well, and they use it to their advantage. Their biggest weapon is understanding the human mind and behavior, in combination with the appropriate use of well-established propaganda, trickery, and deception techniques.

It allows them to predict how people will respond so they can easily adjust their actions and narrative accordingly. It doesn't matter if we call that mind control or mass hypnosis, they were able to achieve that with surprisingly good results. And I don't mean only the sheep who follow, that are affected by this, but the dissidents as well.

While the sheeple were directly affected and their brains literally destroyed by the entire propaganda campaign, most dissident's mindsets are affected by long-term indoctrination, brainwashing, and social conditioning techniques that have been happening for decades. It prevents the good guys from recognizing reality and danger and taking appropriate action.

Bezmenov describes it as an ideological subversion, but the deep programming goes beyond that. There are at least two other factors that contributed to our current situation. The ones already covered are propaganda (term well known and established), mass formation psychosis/madness of crowds phenomenon, which was described already by many people, and the betrayal and exploitation of trust on a massive scale, which I explained myself recently.

The other two that have not yet been covered by anyone are the phenomenon of short-term thinking vs. long-term thinking and psychological inversion. While the sheeple are clearly affected by short-term thinking, which additionally contributes to and shapes their self-destructive and poor decision making, everyone, including dissidents, is affected by psychological inversion (self-sabotage phenomenon) to a certain degree. I will cover both in future articles.

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Entirely correct in identifying "their biggest weapon;" our biggest weakness is, likewise, our lack of same ~ our lack of understanding, our catastrophic compound of ignorance (so often willful ! on the part of those unwilling to even examine psychopathic thinking) and naïveté. Equally correct was Bezmenov, in his forecast that, "You will have nowhere to defect to."

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I entirely agree. Those holding the reins control both the anti and the pro position at this time imho.

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Most people choose to remain silent, and to take no action. This is not necessarily a bad strategy; the new boss will likely be the same as the old boss. If conditions worsen, most people will adapt. Over the longer term, fence-sitters are a force for stability.

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Where I am 99% of adults are on 2 or 3 and have been enthusiastically putting it in their kids for the last 2 weeks. For 2 yrs they have been completely compliant, always masked and scanning into every shop. Asia might be a bit different or a forerunner for the West; but total or partial compliance to tyranny is a pretty terrible fence-sitting strategy imho

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I can report a similar situation in Nova Scotia, Canada. Overall vaccination rate is said to be above 90%, and children are being jabbed. Near 100% mask wearing indoors as mandated. Everyone is waiting on the province's chief health officer, as to what our next move shall be. There have been few deaths, so the situation is viewed as a roaring success.

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re: "so many sacrificed so little, of their attention even"

Yes, I find I have to do all of the research and thinking for my entire extended family and some friends as well. But this has been true since at least the 9-11 coup.

It's all so obvious, really. Just "shake the dust off my feet" and walk away.

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Well put. Glad to see you defining what is truly happening and getting people prepped for what is at hand. Proactivity of the finest sort.

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People always try to oversimple things. What I'm trying to do is to bring some more context, with deeper layers, into the discussion while not shying away from controversy. One of my goals is not to merely provide answers but to make people think instead, so they can not only save themselves and others from what's coming but also create and figure out the way and path forward, again, not only for themselves but also for our society and for our species.

Enemies of humanity do not see eye to eye on everything, on every issue or the thing they want to create or implement, but they are willing to work together and support each other in pursuit of their goals and dreams. We, the people, who stand on the opposite side of this equation, will need to do the same if we want to succeed. This is essentially a covert class war, which has been happening for centuries. They simply don't want to share, lose control and lose what they managed to accumulate. They will try to cling to power even if it means everything around is to be destroyed and turned to ashes.

To be honest, people should be equally concerned about social, financial, and civilization collapse, not only about what their enemies are trying to do to them. We can always deal with other humans in a variety of ways, but our social and financial structures and the way we live and interact with each other is a much more complex and fragile issue from a time perspective.

We as humans have created a number of protective bubbles and hierarchies around us and our societies. Both are full of lies, inconsistencies, things that are simply not true, and more and more lies and untruths have been built on top of all these lies. And people believe in all of this and live according to these "rules" they perceive as true and legitimate. Simply put, we have run ourselves into a corner, from which there is no easy way to escape from unscattered. The bubble is about to burst eventually, the damage is inevitable and can only be minimized, not prevented.

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Oh, I'm with you, having come to the same conclusions in the course of now my seventh decade of observations---especially after having forced myself through the hard deconstruction of the pernicious myths the Owners have woven around us in order to preserve their supremacy. It is SOO insidious and breaking through its multi-generational layers of crippling human consciousness---with intent---is at once the most difficult but indeed the most necessary task at hand. Aldous Huxley, for one, (imo) said it best and most succinctly:

"People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think."

That said, the Huxley family's past participation in developing our modern quandary is and should remain controversial---in spite of Aldous's choice bon mots. Their association with the elite class of early 20th century "social influencers" such as the Tavistock Institute's ongoing socio-medical experiments should be duly noted for their Rockefeller, Wellcome Trust, B&MG Foundation and other controlling entities' goals---they who continue to fund for purposes of diverting and subverting our path forward for their own class ends.

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Great quotes, thanks!

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I’ve got to admit: this piece didn’t work for me. The scenarios were too far removed from my actual life to engage me viscerally. How about laying out options for the Canadian Truckers and their allies? They are facing real world consequences right now for pushing back against tyranny. That’s extremely real for me. I know you can do it—Betrayal was a masterpiece.

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I could have asked: "At what point would you be willing to accept tyranny?" And people would have answered "never", without any deep thought involved. The presented scenarios were supposed to be a mixed bag, realistic, extreme, wacky, inconceivable, or detached from one's life perspective, experience and expectations. It doesn't look good or pretty on paper, but this kind of framing and structure are sometimes needed if you want to induce an emotional response and make people think.

"Trust And Betrayal" was a more complex piece with a different goal, although both try to illuminate people's minds, but from different perspectives.

As for the truckers, I will be frank. Even though what they do is courageous and increases the bond and unity worldwide between dissenters, it simply won't be enough. If a substantial part of the population had joined them, then it would change everything, but it is not going to happen, not at this point in time, I'm afraid. There is a limit to what they can and are willing to do. On the opposite side, you have people who have no limits to what they are willing to do to achieve their goals. These people also have many options to choose from to push their agenda, they can even afford to take two steps back if necessary. Truckers simply do not have that many options at their disposal. Our enemies are trying very hard not to show their true faces and not to expose the real agenda they support, but the mask is slowly slipping, which is a good thing. If I had to sum up the trucker's situation in one sentence in relation to the piece I just wrote... They are making a stand at a high cost, it is a form of personal sacrifice, but unfortunately, it won't bring freedom back or solve our problems in the long term.

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Your last sentence makes me fear that this entire exercise was aimed not at solutions but instead, some kind of humiliation. If the most amazing group of collaborative people I've ever seen, the Canadian Truckers, can't push past the government resistance, I don't see what hope any of the rest of us have.

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To see what the truckers are doing is amazing indeed. True heroes. I am quite certain the author does not intend any sort of humiliation. This is about much, much more than vaccines and mandates. What percentage of drivers are participating? What percentage of the non-driver population is participating? 10%, 20%, 30%? It will take many more than that, many, many more. What sacrifices have the non-drivers made, besides attending protests? The sacrifices made and pain endured will have to be orders of magnitude more, I think that's what the author is getting at.

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This exercise is aimed at romanticizing the concept of freedom.

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I am sure you have seen this quote, but there are always people who haven't.

This is for archive/historical purposes; it is one of the comments underneath a ZeroHedge article from June 29th, 2020 entitled “Boiling Point”.

”The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.”

I feel like a lot of vets and similar would resonate with this, but even my puny self does.

Cunningness still must count for something apart from linguistics.

Be as cunning as a fox who has just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University, as Edmond would say.

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My only issue with the statement (and zerohedge commenters, generally speaking), is not being able to see past the red/blue, left/right paradigm. These terms and ideas have been distorted perversely and don't really apply anymore. Seeing things as red vs. blue, left vs. right plays right into the hands of the psychopaths, it is their goal and they love to see it.

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I agree re "Left," "Right", and I believe the original quote omits any mention of this.

P.S. I'm an INTJ, too. :)

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Can we really contain chaos?

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Chaos is an interesting concept. The issue is that people interpret its meaning differently, which sometimes makes conversations around it very hard to follow, as people might be talking about two completely different things using the same term.

By accepting chaos, I mean the lesser evil, for example. An attempt to consciously influence a change and not wait and hope that it somehow works out in the end for our own benefit. This is the right thing to do for a responsible human being who wants to be free. Trying to create your own path, trying to achieve and fight for what is right and important, instead of doing nothing and forever hoping that someone will do that for us.

Violence, pain, death, suffering, and sacrifices in life are inevitable, they are an intrinsic part of our lives and our entire existence. We cannot escape them, nor should we try to. This is what most people tend to forget. They cling too much to the idea of existence instead of the idea of living on their own terms. Taking risks is part of life. It literally defines not only humanity but every living creature on this planet. There are no certainties in life. This is why there is beauty in both life and the chaos itself. Risks, unknowns, and uncertainties.

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Beautifully put.

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The suffering of my life, my deep heart, is my greatest weapon in the face of fools and sociopaths. They cannot even imagine my depths nor the cultivation of such soil. I am alive in this wondrous universe because of the bravery and fortitude of my ancestors. Nothing can make me betray their trust......ever......full stop!

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Good. We are the epitome - as is all life - of the universe working against chaos in the form of living systems. Take the inner workings of mitochondria and chloroplasts and then speak to me of chaos.

Letting go of attachment frees us in ways difficult to express or understand.

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I think on the macro level we can't contain it. On the micro level we can fight who has which role.

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I think this is a really perceptive comment. The people pulling the strings in this lockstep to tyranny think they're in control. I think they are in for a rude surprise though: just like the weather, the system has turned chaotic.

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I have been thinking through these questions myself, this piece helps codify them. I'm starting from first principles, and attempting to reason forward from there. I know that fighting Caesar with Caesar's weapons means certain defeat, so another way must be found. That way lies in my answer to these questions.

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In my mind, at a minimum there will need to be mass strikes and boycotts for anything to happen. It's the most peaceful way. In my mind the only way. To starve the governments of tax revenue and the globalist corporations of earnings, which is all either really care about, and without which they are powerless. Will it be easy? not a chance. Thus the author's question of how much is one willing to sacrifice. Personally I'm pretty blackpilled about it all as I don't see the sheeple being able to come together for something like that. To see the trucker protest come together does give me a small little ray of hope though.

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Here's the thing. I'm not going to sacrifice shit if the people who are running the revolution are greedy (or excuse greed in markets) as a normal thing and are ok with people being poor wage slaves.

Why? Because the next time I might end up a slave after the revolution.

Remember, the founding fathers fought for the rights of land owners... Not the people. That's why we had slavery and later apartheid, all "constitutional".

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In the case of the truckers, their demands are concise and limited. Theirs is a counter-revolution, to restore to Canada what was taken for granted prior to the pandemic.

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Nice piece. Found you through your comment on Gato's piece on forever war today.

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It worked!

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Excellent essay! Ty..what happened? I thought, you would go on.

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I've already made many of the sacrifices you asked in this post. In the end, I'm happier and healthier now because of those sacrifices but the journey and process of arriving at my current state has been that of much physical, emotional and spiritual pain. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger if we are truly strong from the onset.

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