Restoring Sanity And Bringing People Back To Reality Without Pain, Death, Suffering, War, And Violence? Is It Possible?
How one can influence the masses and change their perception of reality without using mainstream media? How can you force that change in people’s thinking, bring them back to reality and sanity without death, pain, suffering, war, and violence?
The one who will find the answer to this question will be the hero of our times. It needs to be something simple, applicable, easy to implement, possibly old-fashioned even. Is it even possible to accomplish such a feat? Or we all, as a society and as a civilization, are simply doomed to repeat past mistakes endlessly, reaching the bottom and then trying to get out of it? Or perhaps, the only path forward and into the future is always through hardships, struggle, death, and destruction like it always happened before?
What it will take for people to wake up from a covid spell and propaganda? Or maybe we should see our current predicament as a blessing and opportunity to fix mistakes of the past, which caused and allowed our society to reach the point of great evil and danger we are now faced up with? We all let that happen in the first place.
These are the questions I posed on Twitter in April this year.
Here we are, eight months later and... crickets essentially. Nothing seems to work on any meaningful scale and it seems that history will inevitably repeat itself. There are few spots around the world that somewhat retained sanity and have become beacons of hope, but it is not enough.
Many places are gone completely, few still struggle to repel the NWO, but only because, either laws/constitution cannot be so easily circumvented, or corruption and insanity have not yet sufficiently proliferated through the governmental bodies and agencies which the government controls and heavily influences. One thing that can be noticed quite clearly, is the fact that people want to migrate to places, where they believe they can still live normally and be relatively undisturbed in their life pursuits for fulfillment and happiness.
This would suggest that the final confrontation will happen the usual way, the sane vs the insane. The people who want to be free vs the brainwashed masses, their masters, and The Party. I’m pretty sure our enemies will accept what they can get without a fight, before resorting to true forms of violence. They will not make any serious moves and keep pretending, at least until they install the system of mass surveillance and digital enslavement grid in place.
Remember, their plan consists of transforming the entire planet and imposing necessary changes globally, so the tolerance and existence of dissenters or outsiders can only be allowed for a period of time. It is without any doubt, that given enough time, sooner or later, they will make a move to remove any dissent completely. And it won’t be pretty… but when that finally happens, it will be socially accepted as a necessity.
Are there any other possible outcomes? Of course. Do nothing and wait until tyranny collapses under its own weight and due to the sheer insanity of the rules they want to implement and impose onto the people. Yes, this has been suggested by some people on our own side. But unfortunately, this mindset involves both, inaction and endless hope while hiding, running away, or trying to survive long enough, until The Party somehow destroys itself.
In my opinion, this is not a particularly sensible solution, unless you are… a coward. Why? Because you are essentially leaving everything in the hands of other people while doing nothing to stop them. There is a good chance that, deep down, you all know that you are accepting the world to burn on your watch, while you will be observing from aside when this is all taking place and is destroying your fellow countrymen. And what if the fire will reach you too? It will mean that you choose to abandon and betray your fellow humans for nothing.
Others keep clinging to the legal path and proceedings which rely on the courts, judges, and existing laws. And yet, the same people cannot fathom that laws, which, in times of peace and prosperity, we all agreed to abide by, are no longer binding, because the social contract, between government and the people, have been dissolved completely. Given enough time, any oppressive government can change or enact new laws, especially when under false social duress or under an umbrella of ‘greater public good’ or ‘general welfare of the people'.
As you can see, there are lots of people in our camp who simply have no idea of what is actually happening around them. Even though they see-through part of the global deception and propaganda, they are still in a state of delusion and denial. They keep clinging to the things they knew and always relied on before. This includes the previous state and balance of the world, they are lusting for the “old normal” to return, the world they knew and in which they were brought up into.
They don’t understand that The Party is simply not playing by the rules. In fact, they have a complete disregard for the rule of law, democracy, or human rights, even though they are still somewhat bound by them. Our enemies cannot wait when this is no longer the case, but when that happens, it will be too late to change the mindset of hope and belief to the mindset of action. They are eagerly awaiting time in which they will be unrestricted and able to roam freely and transform the world in the image they see fit.
Is there any hope to turn things around? For the “old normal” to return? No, the “old normal” is not coming back, but it is possible to stop the emergence of a global technocratic prison that our “saviors” are building for all of us. It is possible to stop all the things they proclaim that inevitably will happen in the future and will influence our new way of life.
First, realize the fact what they say is part of the programming, so it will be easier to accept by the public when that kind of a future actually arrives. It will be already, not only accepted but expected and embraced with open arms. Don’t fall for it. Second, what is the key to solving the seemingly impossible puzzle, are the people who refuse to move, the ones who want to stay and keep the dissenting voice alive among the obedient masses who lost their minds.
If these people decided to leave now, the transformation of the society and the minds of the public would proceed completely unopposed, which in the end would make the masses into mindless and obedient monsters, who would eventually be willing to commit atrocities and wage war against anyone who is pointed out to be their enemy.
So, my message to all those freedom fighters who are willing to endure the hardships, oppressive measures from their governments, and to be ostracized by your fellow countryman… never give up, never falter, never lose hope and when the time comes, have the courage to act.
If you need to, accept the punishment in a form of constant testing regimes, fines, losing opportunities, perhaps losing part of the income, or even temporary imprisonment. Nothing is more important in this battle than integrity and the core principles that always motivated and have driven you throughout your life. Same with the things and convictions that you hold dear to your heart, the things you believe in to be true while willing to stand by them and defend them if needed. Remember, in many places, there is still a possibility of entering legal battles with the government or employers, which at least gives people chance and a time to delay the enforcement of the crazy rules, illegal and inhumane mandates.
Now, let’s change things a little bit. What if I told you that there is a way to defeat centuries-old power structures that exist in the world? Both, the ones that are centuries old but also the ones that gained prominence, power, and influence in the last 100 years? What if it’s possible to bring the machine to a halt, expose the entire circus, the machinations and bring the entire thing down?
Although, people won't believe me at this point… the dissenters who refuse to move out of their cities, states, or countries and the ones who refuse to comply, are the key to everything. Not only they are crucial to overcoming the emerging tyranny, insanity, and madness, but they are the key to collapsing the powers which drive the false narrative, and who control the agenda and employ all the propaganda techniques to which later masses are being subjected. Yes, these people have the ability to change the fate of the world and influence the change of direction that humanity is currently being forced to follow.
Our enemies know that too, this is why they apply all the pressure to break the mind, spirit, and resolve of the people who refuse to conform and who refuse to sacrifice the most important things in their lives.
But despite all of that, there is one critical thing that our enemies have missed. There is a loophole in the way our modern societies operate, which can be exploited to defeat, not only the corrupted, the mad, and the insane, but also cancer that plagues the world and The Party who plans to enslave and destroy humanity.
And even if our enemies did not miss it, they have hidden it very deeply, behind many walls and mental barriers, so people won't know that the loophole even exists. How do I know that? Because they haven’t “patched” it yet. In fact, even if they wanted to eliminate that loophole, they wouldn’t be able to do so, at least not until they had gained full and the desired control over the population. This is a truly special kind of loophole and I’m still not sure if it was put therein by design, as one of the ways to additionally protect the freedoms of the people, or if it found its way there by sheer accident.
Small hint, this loophole no longer exists in China. Or should I say, it barely exists… and is a very shallow and weakened version of it. Does it mean perhaps, that China could theoretically liberate itself from the vast grasp and deep control of the CCP? Yes, it theoretically could, but… … to not give much away, I will leave it at that for now.
— Feel free to speculate in the comments section what this loophole, that I speak about, is. I don’t think I have given enough information to reveal it… but who knows, maybe I did.
So, how exactly do our enemies control and keep this loophole hidden from the people one may ask? The usual way, through brainwashing, indoctrination (not education), fear, and many forms of deception and social conditioning techniques. It may be surprising for many, but this loophole does not involve an open and large-scale conflict, war-like measures, or people battling it out among each other in a pool of blood on a battlefield. These kinds of measures can only be brought out by The Party and its minions if they choose to employ them.
So, what it will take to regain and rebuild what we have already lost? It will require a tremendous amount of courage and acceptance of certain forms of personal sacrifice, which will need to be made for a period of time. Nothing is free, including freedom, and these two things will be required from the people who are willing to fight, not only for freedom but also for a hopeful future for humanity.
Will the people choose to follow that path when they are made aware of its existence? Only time will tell. Once again, the near future will show us if we deserve to be free or if we are indeed what the enemy thinks we are. It will also show us if we are really living in the age of mindless sheep and cowards, for whom personal safety and convenience is all they care about, or perhaps, there is still some hope for our species to move forward in the right direction.
On another note, recently, I keep seeing people on our side celebrating and hoping for a narration change, thanks to the Omicron variant and what it represents. Is it possible that the virus narrative will collapse, which will promptly cause the collapse of the entire agenda behind it? I wouldn't count on that and here is why.
I don't think our enemies are all that incompetent. Some of the useful idiots might be, but not everyone fits into that category. They are playing a long game here, so they need to have more aces up their sleeves, which they can employ to scare the people and keep them in a perpetual state of fear. They can also choose to ignore everyone and proceed as planned, the same they did for nearly two years now. Also, keep in mind that they find themselves already in a place from which they can’t safely escape unscathed. This door has been closed a long time ago. Way too much damage and destruction have occurred, so they just can't go back and pretend that nothing happened or it wasn't their fault, even if they wanted to. Having scapegoats will also not work in this situation, regardless of their efforts. Their status, positions, wealth, assets, reputation, and lives are at stake here.
Another important thing people need to remember is that an almost entirely manufactured crisis can ultimately lead to a real crisis. In fact, this is exactly what has already happened and fallout from that can be observed worldwide in many different areas of society. And trust me, more problems are coming. And no, I’m not a pessimist, but a realist. This engine simply cannot be stopped in a way, some people on our side, naively believe and hope for.
“Never back a wild animal into a corner ?” – ever heard of that one? It exists for a reason. Backed into a corner, your enemy has two choices, surrender or fight for survival. The Party may lose some of its followers and support, but it will never surrender. They still hold all the keys to the machine called society, so they will absolutely double down on the nonsense and insanity. They will manufacture another crisis, employ more propaganda, they will even start a war, or resort to the old tricks and measures of mass murder if they need to. And if you don’t believe that, you simply don’t understand human nature and how much people love and cling to power, even if it consumes and destroys them in the end. Some of these people would choose to destroy and to bring the world to its knees, if it means, they are about to keep the power to themselves. Do not underestimate the will, determination, dreams, convictions, and desperation of other humans, even if they are your enemies. They certainly won't.
Lastly, I’m in the process of writing several articles that I plan to slowly publish here, including the ones which will shed a light on how to exploit the loophole that I mentioned, and why this is in fact the right path to follow. Oh, and a short message to those of you who might think that I’m full of shit or that I have lost my mind… keep paying close attention, and your perception may change. We are all on the same side after all, but not everyone sees the possible solutions and big picture in the same way. Some of us see things other can’t and vice versa. In the end, healthy disagreements are a good thing, even if we sometimes harshly judge others. This is also a beauty and complexity of life, as we can either constantly keep learning things from others or from our own mistakes, which then allows us to progress, to develop, and to gain new insights, not only about ourselves but also about the world around us. All I’m asking of the people is to have an open mind.
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Great article and superb collection of quotes. The one that stood out most to me was John Locke's comments: "Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are THEREUPON ABSOLVED FROM ANY FURTHER OBEDIENCE." Rather than fleeing to "safer" states to escape tyranny and reclaim more freedom via running from tyranny, people must understand that this is only a temporary relief and if things are left unchecked in the places from which they fled, the tyranny will increase unchecked and metastasize and will eventually overtake all parts of the country. Then where do you run? The key to ending this tyranny is to remain where you are and DO NOT COMPLY, first small things, then larger things, and do this continually. You have to spread the truth in small ways that are digestible to the uninformed and unaware. A lot of small actions lead to larger successes and this spreads. These ideas lead to the great Samuel Adams quote: "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men" and equally Margaret Mead's comment "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." I would argue that perhaps it was a not a terribly large group of equally committed but evil people in the world who have tirelessly worked to make the negative changes we are increasingly living under right now. They did this in small but continual ways and it was right under our noses that it happened while not enough people noticed. This global control movement started incrementally, and involved relatively few people, but then it spread and involved larger and larger groups of people over time. So similarly, to counter this it first takes a group of awake, aware and committed citizens to work tirelessly to halt this global movement of power, control and ultimate slavery. As more and more increasingly aware and similar minded people observe and see this, they will join in. It starts at the local level. It doesn't have to be via enormous groups of people demonstrating in ways that can get out of control and be squashed by their currently more powerful opponents. Small groups of opponents who are spread throughout all parts of the country can ultimately become powerful enough to stop the bad players and their plans.
That is quite a teaser! Thank you for a very insightful and useful article in a series I will look forward to following just as I look forward to developing new skills in the resistance effort. I agree with diversity of approach towards the common goal we all share: To be left alone by governments and elites to live our own lives and not the ones they try to make us live.