Wrong. This is also why I’m more and more distancing myself from Lockdown Sceptics / #TeamReality camp, as many simply have no idea what is actually happening and what to do about it. You can collect all the evidence you want and hope for an international tribunal case to take place but it will mean nothing if you cannot win the war first. Yes, this is a hard pill to swallow for many of those people.
You can only have international trials when an enemy has been defeated and when they are on the run, not before. Nothing will fix itself on its own and no, The Party will not allow itself to be prosecuted, when they are the ones still in charge holding all the power and when all the pieces of mass control are still in their own hands. Living in denial till the very end will ensure that The Party will achieve its goals. Collecting evidence without understanding that a war is taking place is the exact reason why some of our fellow freedom fighters are hopelessly wrong and confused when it comes to solutions to our current situation.
Why is this happening exactly? Well, this is where social conditioning shines through and starts showing what it can do when applied early in life and for decades. The goal is and always was brainwashing, indoctrination, and domestication of a modern and westernized culture, so in the end, people are left confused and unable to realize how to protect and save themselves in case of an attack or a war. The fact that we are not even talking about regular war is even more devious as most people are simply unable to recognize that they are being attacked & indirect forms of violence are being used up against them.
Another one here hoping that protests will change something. Although I said many times in the past that protests are pointless and will change nothing, I feel like I need to explain a little bit more what I exactly mean by that. But first, people will need to once again try to revisit the past to understand what protesting is, how it was being used before & what can be achieved by doing it.
People don't usually think of it this way or are even aware of that, but protests were always one of the tools that the ruling elite could utilize for their own benefit. The ability to protest gives the people the illusion of power to influence a change, it keeps them hopeful that their situation, or the situation of others, can be improved by the act of protesting. It also blows off a little steam, as the bad energy and frustrations can be acted out on a public display, for everyone to see. Protesting can also be used in many other ways, for example for shifting the attention away from something important to a distraction, all to alter the public focus.
What people don't recognize is that a perceived success or failure of protesting lays ultimately in the hands of the government, their goals, and the narrative of the political agenda that is present during that time. If the ruling elite is focused on keeping the balance, stability, increasing wealth, economic growth, etc., then a slight change and direction in socio-politics can be allowed to occur or the focus and direction of funds can be transferred from one place to another. This keeps everyone happy in the end, and only with relatively short periods of social unrest from certain groups of people.
But if the ruling elite is focused on creating chaos, fear, division, panic while planning to introduce the big changes in society (or wage war), protesting and dissent becomes a burden for them. That is why they started issuing fines and making protests illegal in many places around the world. In other places, they just decided to ignore protesters altogether, which has been happening for months now with a periodical use of police force to scare and discourage them further from voicing and promoting acts of disobedience.
As you can see, protesting in a current political climate doesn't work, cannot work, and will never work. It will never change the narrative, as the elites are focused on fundamentally transforming the society, changing human way of life and the way we interact with each other. Of course, a smooth transition would be a perfect solution for them, this means that they would happily accept every single person and entire society acting as sheep which is following the herd without questioning anything. But in reality, this is never the case, and there are always dissenters who see through the false narrative, deception, and the web of lies.
At the present time, they have a limited way of dealing with protests and dissent as the appearance of freedom, liberty and democracy need to be upheld for the time being, right until both, mass surveillance and digital enslavement are implemented in place.
Is there any good news in all of that? There are. Although the protests themselves and civil disobedience will not change anything, both are absolutely necessary to keep the dissenting voices alive as long as possible. Even though I arrived at the conclusion early, others need to experience that for themselves, it will be a process for them, which will lead them to an inevitable realization that what they are doing right now will simply not be enough.
Protesting also increases the social bond with like-minded people, as they will keep talking among themselves knowing they are not alone in this battle. It also contributes to the creation of the feeling of unity (or later, unity in action) when working towards the same cause. But beware, there is a danger in all of that. Protesters might start losing hope, energy and start feeling despair when they realize that their actions against the madness and tyranny are proven to be fruitless. It may lead to hopelessness and the perception that there is no way out of the situation. They might start getting tired and defeated… this is why everyone needs to be presented and confronted with reality beforehand, so they understand that there is always another way.
The way in which our species has always dealt with enemies and adversaries in the past, but mainly among themselves. This is the hardest part to acknowledge and to convince yourself and others of, essentially to do what you never thought you will be forced to do, to save yourself, your family, or your society.
The delusion from some of the good guys is understandable and acceptable for now, as there is always hope that the enemy will somehow lose control, expose their true agenda and ultimately destroy itself while lending you the keys to their own prison. But when exactly has that ever happened before, peacefully and without any great struggle? Always keep that in the back of your mind…
“We believe half-instinctively that evil always defeats itself in the long run. Pacifism is founded largely on this belief. Don't resist evil, and it will somehow destroy itself. But why should it? What evidence is there that it does... unless conquered from the outside by military force?” - George Orwell
BTC: 3Qf74HyktL1y9BiKK5kNBxPPD2amSYApGg
A rude awakening. But the truth always hurts. However much protests and dissent alone will not change the fundamental Right of Domination of the elite ruling class, we have to keep going. We have to reach critical mass for other supporting forces to come into play.
"At the present time, they have a limited way of dealing with protests and dissent as the appearance of freedom, liberty and democracy need to be upheld for the time being, right until both, mass surveillance and digital enslavement are implemented in place."
Your passage above gives reason to why the USA corporate media is silent with what's happening in France these past two weeks in the streets.